Automatisierte Fahrzeuge auf der Straße

From ADAS to automated mobility and autonomous driving

The development process is growing more complex as demand for more automated features rises. As an engineering partner, we pursue unprecedented approaches to developing, verifying, and validating systems to put your automated solution into practice.

With our firm grasp of methods, we have a handle on complex challenges. Count on us to resolve requirements engineering, integration, and validation issue.

Infographic Portfolio Automated Driving

Our services

End-to-end systems engineering

Tailormade software solutions

Integration services for vehicle computers

Verifying and validating highly automated driving functions

Image from a car simulation


Environmental and sensor simulation

It’s not a game, but playing helps: How to verify and validate highly automated vehicles sensor data simulations based on computer graphics-related methods

Automatisierte Mobilität Fahrzeuglokalisierung

Success Story

Vehicle localization for automated parking

Precise vehicle localization in an unknown environment for automated parking based on camera, radar, and odometer sensor data.

Auto Cockpit

Success Story

Traffic sign recognition for highly automated vehicles

Development of a machine learning-based traffic sign recognition system suitable for SAE Level 4.

Auto fährt auf einer Straße

Success Story

One control unit, two functions for failsafe, highly automated driving

Hands off the wheel? Yes, but only if the systems’ safety is assured. This challenge places new demands on automated cars’ safety features. Doubling the component count is not the best technical or most economical option, which is why the AutoKonf project set out to develop an innovative E/E architecture.

Auto fährt auf einer Straße


ISO 21448: Tackling SOTIF related risks in the automotive industry

Situation-conscious systems offer great opportunities for users and society, but also entails new risks. The future standard ISO 21448 counteracts these risks. In our webinar, you will learn how to create the basis for better decision-making in your SOTIF-relevant projects.

Towards a safe automated future

Whatever you wish to automate – a car, hub-to-hub transport, container mover, or robo-shuttle – we have what it takes to tackle the complex technological challenges of your use case. Drawing on our deep knowledge of methods, many years’ experience, and agile collaboration practices, we put your idea into practice – reliably and in compliance with standards. Let us join forces to drive advances in tomorrow’s automated mobility.

Exclusive whitepaper

Localization Fundamentals for Highly Automated Driving

Read more about how to combine different localization approaches to increase reliability and availability of localization – especially in challenging situations such as in inner city environments.

Get in touch with us.

Jochen Breidt

Mobility – Automated Mobility

Jochen Breidt