Infografic ecosystem electromobility

Into the future with connected electromobility and intelligent energy management

Innovative energy, mobility, and infrastructure solutions are figuring ever more prominently in transportation. We are doing our part as an engineering partner to put e-vehicles and multimodal transportation into practice and deliver sector-agnostic solutions for the entire ecosystem.

This ecosystem-centered approach dovetails diverse industries and use cases to address varying needs in a holistic way, always with the greater goal of optimizing the overall system in mind.

The infographic illustrates the ecosystem-centered approach used by ITK for the ecosystem e-mobility and energy. This approach dovetails diverse industries such as automotive, motorsports, aviation and maritime with the application areas of powertrain concepts, connected platforms and charging infrastructure & energy systems.

Our services and method expertise

Concepts for electric, hybrid and hydrogen-based solutions

Innovative charging infrastructure

Connected, smart mobility platforms

3D-Rendering-Gruppe von Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge oder elektrische Fahrzeug-Ladestationen

Charging technology is constantly advancing as new regulations emerge and standards evolve. Increasing sophistication gives rise to greater complexity. Software, especially, can get very intricate.

Frau startet Ladevorgang an einer Ladesäule in einem Quartier
Progressive businesswoman insert charger plug from charging station to her electric vehicle with apartment condo building in background. Eco friendly rechargeable car powered by sustainable energy

Count on us to make the most of intelligent software to deliver the solution that fits your needs for scheduling charging for individual vehicles, managing fleets, or pinpoint the best spots for municipal charging infrastructure.

Wasserstoff Station mit Truck und Flugzeug
Smart virtual battery energy storage network with house office factory buildings, renewable solar panel plant station, wind and high voltage electricity distribution grid pylons, electric transformer.

Hydrogen and fuel cells are key technologies for clean, safe, and affordable energy. The hydrogen ecosystem’s vast potential is perceptible even at a cursory glance. Together, we can spot and seize your best business opportunities along the hydrogen value chain. Our holistic insight as a solution provider extends to every corner of this ecosystem, from energy production and manufacturing to mobility and heating.

Infographic of a smart virtual battery energy storage network with house office factory buildings, renewable solar panel plant station, wind and high voltage electricity distribution grid pylons, electric transformer.
Smart virtual battery energy storage network with house office factory buildings, renewable solar panel plant station, wind and high voltage electricity distribution grid pylons, electric transformer.


Future Energy management

The rising number of decentralized producers and consumers in the course of the energy transition leads to an increasing complexity in the energy system. Individual and intelligent solutions – from conceptual planning to ongoing operation – provide the required holistic support.

Infographic: Maritime Ecosystem


Sustainable maritime operations

It will take data- and AI-driven approaches to operate tomorrow’s maritime infrastructure safely and sustainably, while sparing resources and saving time. Let us team up to rise to these towering challenges with a big-picture holistic approach that factors everything into the equation from port assets to energy management. Whatever the ship’s propulsion system may be – electric, hybrid, or hydrogen-powered – we have you covered.


Ecosystem Aerospace

We support the energy transition with our intelligent software solutions and make an important contribution to the electrification of the aerospace sector. We rely on our decades of experience in the automotive sector and develop customer-specific solutions: from eVTOLS to rapid prototyping and hardware integration.

The e-mobility and energy management ecosystem Holistic. Sustainable. Future-minded.

As the partner network’s engineering enabler, we drive the development of alternative drive technologies and sustainable end-to-end solutions. Our efforts add value to e-vehicles, charging infrastructure, and mobility platforms. With a firm grasp of methods encompassing many lines of business and an abiding love of technology, we join forces with you to fast-track our planet’s decarbonization across the various value chains.

Exclusive whitepaper

Future-ready neighborhood energy management

A decentralized energy supply in neighborhoods (as a form of structured urban development) enables largely self-sufficient and cost-effective operation – under the condition of intelligent planning and utilization. Discover in our white paper how software can be very beneficial during both the building and operating phases.

Illustration: Elektroauto wird Zuhause mit Solarstrom geladen

Get in touch with us.

Christian Hoetterges

Mobility – Electromobility

Christian Hoetterges