The hydrogen ecosystem

Hydrogen and fuel cells are key technologies for clean, safe, and affordable energy. The hydrogen ecosystem’s vast potential for energy producers, manufacturers, and the mobility and heating sectors is perceptible even at a cursory glance.

Wasserstoff Station

The challenge: Reduce carbon emissions. Climate action calls for creative ideas. For example, innovative concepts involving hydrogen can enable us all to use energy more efficiently. Renewables harbor vast energy potential, and hydrogen can be an important link in sector coupling – that is, the bridge that will close the gap between electric power generation and transportation. The major hurdle to hydrogen’s economic viability as a fillable energy carrier can be surmounted by taking a holistic approach to the hydrogen event chain.

The hydrogen event chain

Our insight into the hydrogen event chain sweeps from front to end, encompassing everything from production and storage to transport and use. This holistic knowledge makes us your go-to solution provider. Let us team up to jointly spot and seize your business opportunities along this chain.

Infographic Hydrogen Ecosystem

Focal points of innovation

Vernetzte Cloudwolke vor Wasserstoff-Tank

Cloud and AI applications

AI can serve to optimize operating data analysis to enable smart maintenance scheduling. For example, it can assess and analyze readings that indicate hydrogen contamination at a filling station. This insight, in turn, serves to adjust settings, predict contaminations, and pinpoint causes.

Optimization & simulation

State-of-the-art AI algorithms are powerful optimization tools – witness SmartSearch, a framework developed specifically for this type of optimization. Extremely efficient at identifying higher-level system parameters, it is the key to achieving quick savings. And the interaction with the virtual system offers a very efficient way of validating the results.

Smart, hydrogen-driven mobility

Smart platform-based designs can optimize the hydrogen ecosystem. Platforms that bridge the gaps between data silos and effectively connect all elements of the value chain can boost reliability, accuracy, and utilization.

Portrait Torsten Dunger

Hydrogen solutions are an integral part of sustainable energy and mobility systems. The use of intelligent algorithms and simulations already provides important information in the planning phase and also provides support throughout the entire development cycle: from simulation-supported optimized system sizing to risk analyses, safety engineering, monitoring, control development, testing and approval.

Torsten Dunger PhD (Engineering), Energy Management Expert

Hydrogen – a building block for developing carbon-neutral infrastructure

Hydrogen could well become a key annectant for our entire infrastructure. The possibilities are many. It can serve as the energy carrier for refueling trucks, ships, and aircraft and for heating public buildings. The potential for digitalization is great for all players with a stake in this matter. We have to tap this vast potential to make strides towards carbon neutrality. As your partner of choice at all points of the event chain, we are keen to team up with you to shape hydrogen’s future in mobility and infrastructure.

Key Takeaways

Icon Wasserstoff

Hydrogen is a cross-sector energy carrier

Icon Zusammenarbeit

Manufacturers and operators benefit from hydrogen solutions

Icon Wasserstoff

Green hydrogen as a key building block for sustainability

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